Friday, 9 September 2011

Unions American Jobs Act:

Unions American Jobs Act:
Working America says President Obama.
laid out some proposals tonight that represent a starting point for reversing the devastating jobs crisis that our nation continues to endure. But if we are to truly dig ourselves out of this hole, we have much more work ahead of us.
UAW President Bob King says:
We call on Congress to put creating good jobs above more tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s time for those who constantly call for tax cuts to support Obama’s plan to provide tax cuts to those who need them the most: working families.
Unions and progressive organizations are calling the American Jobs Act that President Obama presented to a joint session of Congress last night a vital and essential step to restoring the nation’s economy and putting America back to work.They are urging Congress to put aside partisan politics and pass the legislation as a major tool to solve the nation’s jobs crisis. At the same time, the groups are urging Obama and Congress to maintain and strengthen Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid..
AFSCME, AFT, Alliance for American Manufacturing, BlueGreen Alliance, Communications Workers of America, Economic Policy Institute, Electrical Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Laborers, National Employment Law Project, NEA, Sheet Metal Workers, Transport Workers, United Steelworkers.Several groups have issued statements that are yet to posted.AFGE President John Gage says:
President Obama has laid out a sound strategy to get millions of Americans back to work…For months, I have been saying that we have a jobs crisis, not a debt crisis. Congress needs to set aside the partisan bickering and pass this jobs bill now.AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department (BCTD) President Mark Ayers says.Nowhere is the jobs crisis being felt more than in the construction industry….Our members are tired of politics and demand action.AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department (TTD) President Edward Wytkind says:
President Obama’s call to lawmakers to finally begin the long overdue job of modernizing our transportation system was a blunt warning that America is standing still while nations around the world are making the investments necessary to win in the global economy. 
The Center for American Progress (CAP) says the plan’s:
boldness matches the size of the challenge. It is pragmatic and sharply focused on the biggest obstacles holding back economic growth. And it is fiscally responsible.
Fire Fighters (IAFF) President Harold Schaitberger says:
President Obama proved to the public safety community that he gets it. His jobs proposal will put fire fighters back to work and prevent layoffs.
Plumbers and Pipe Fitters (UA) President William P. Hite says:
Jobs, jobs, jobs—was the key theme of the president’s address and in his message he once again demonstrated his unwavering support for and commitment to American workers.

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